Pål Varhaug Racing

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Pål at the catwalk

18.02.2010 Pål Varhaug will make his debut at the catwalk on Friday when he will show off some clothes for Moods of Norway at Oslo Fashion Week. -I’m looking forward to this new experience. I will be at the catwalk together with the rally-drivers Petter and Henning Solberg, and FMX-athlete Ailo Gaup. It’s going to be fun, Pål Varhaug says. Varhaug, a GP3-driver, is becoming a household name in Norway these days, and gets a lot of attention before his first season in GP3. The fashion show is friday night at ten in the old Freia factory in Oslo. For more information: www.ofw.com and www.moodsofnorway.com
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